Group Day of Prayer
Each Group Day of Prayer is an opportunity to renew and connect more deeply with God, others and self in a place of natural beauty and quiet tranquility. Days of Prayer are from 9:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. and include presentations, time for personal prayer and reflection, group discussion and sharing, mass and lunch. Days of Prayer are open to anyone, regardless of faith or church affiliation. We must receive your reservation by 9:00 A.M. MT at least one business day before your Day of Prayer.
Deposit: None
Full cost: $70/person; lunch included
Upcoming Group Days of Prayer
Thursday, January 23, 2025—All
Imaginative Prayer | Hanh Pham, SJ and Paula Sapienza
In the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, we are offered many times of prayer when the primary material is God using our imaginations to expose us to realities that are not found in written materials (scripture or history). God has created us with imagination and encourages our use of this faculty in our prayer and meditation. On this day, we will engage our imaginations in prayer and contemplation.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025—All
Growing Old with Our Faith | Warren Broussard, SJ
Our reflections will consider a look back at our faith journey remembering the blessings and the struggles, really its highs and lows. We will assess where our faith is now and then look forward to a deeper trust in the joy to come.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025—Ash Wednesday—All
Lent: Giving Our Hearts to God | John Vowells, SJ
St. Maximilian Kolbe said, “Lent is a time of grace, a time of conversion, a time to come home to God.” By looking at the traditional practices of Lent, we will have the opportunity to slow down and take stock of our relationship with God and how we are living our daily lives.
Thursday, March 27, 2025—All
Discerning God’s Will | Paula Sapienza
Our lives offer us a multitude of choices of how to be and to act in the world. After we set aside anything sinful, how do we choose? What can it look like to live in the fullness and the freedom of choosing according to God’s ways? In this season of Lenten renewal, we will reflect on and pray with these questions using St. Ignatius of Loyola’s teachings.
Thursday, April 10, 2025—All CANCELED
Trust in the Lord…Maybe? | Bill Oulvey, SJ
What does “trust in the Lord” call from us as we see our world in such a state of distress? Do I hedge my bets with God? Do we try to “trust but verify?” In all honesty, can I be honest with the Lord?
Group Weekend Retreat
Group Weekend Retreats include presentations, opportunities to connect and share with others, time for personal reflection, relaxation and prayer and daily mass in a place of natural beauty that respects peacefulness through silence. Group Weekend Retreats are open to anyone, regardless of faith or church affiliation.
Check-in is 6:30-7:00 P.M. on Friday. The first session begins at 7:00 P.M. on Friday, and the retreat ends after lunch on Sunday. Requires a deposit, which will be applied to the total cost of your retreat. We must receive your reservation by 9:00 A.M. MT at least one business day before your retreat begins.
Deposit: $50
Full cost: $280/person; meals included
Upcoming Group Weekend Retreats
February 7-9, 2025—Hispanohablantes
Nuestro Buen Samaritano en la Eucharistía | Lillian Salmeron-Voll
En el tiempo de Jesús los Samaritanos eran considerados inferiores y diferentes, y no esperaban tener ayuda de otros. Si Jesús me preguntara hoy ¿quién es tu prójimo y quien no lo es? ¿Qué le contestaría? ¿Cuándo y cómo actuamos como el sacerdote y el Levita al ver a alguien distinto y con necesidad? Reflexionaremos como, y porque el Señor viviente en la Eucaristía es siempre nuestro Buen Samaritano, quien nos ayuda a superar las rechazos que practicamos entre los humanos. Lillian Salmeron-Voll ha ofrecido retiros a la comunidad de habla hispana en el área de Denver durante más de veinte años.
February 14-16, 2025—Couples
Loving as God Loves | Paula Sapienza
Love consists in a mutual sharing between lover and beloved. We will reflect upon and pray with the concrete ways God shares God’s very self with two people trying to become one, one with God and one with one another. We will focus on God’s presence and grace in this most important instance of the coming of the Kingdom.
February 21-23, 2025—All CANCELED
The Eucharist and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola | Bill Oulvey, SJ
How do the call of the U.S. Catholic Bishops for a Eucharistic Revival and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola complement and strengthen one another? Ignatius and his companions led the effort to revive weekly—even daily—reception of the Eucharist in the 16th century. The Spiritual Exercises encourages us to frequent all the sacraments. Is it possible that this revival meshes both with Pope Francis’ call for the Church to be a field hospital of mercy and with St. Ignatius’ call to find God in all things?.
March 7-9, 2025—Khóa Tiếng Việt
Niềm Tin và Khoa Học | Hanh Pham, SJ
Càng ngày các bậc phụ huynh càng cảm thấy sống niềm tin vào Thiên Chúa thật khó, truyền dạy niềm tin ấy cho các thế hệ mai sau càng là một thách đố; đặc biệt, khi mà khoa học càng ngày càng phát triển, và khi mà trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI – Artificial Intelligence) đang có chiều hướng phát triển mạnh, định hướng cuộc sống tương lai. Tuy nhiên, nếu hiểu đúng, tôi sẽ thấy niềm tin và khoa học là hai lãnh vực luôn tương tác chặt chẽ và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau, không đối nghịch. Một cuối tuần Mùa Chay để tĩnh tâm và cũng là dịp để suy tư về đề tài này một cách nghiêm túc, hầu có thể sống niềm tin mạnh mẽ và có hướng giúp con cái hơn quả là không uổng phí. Khóa tĩnh tâm sẽ bằng tiếng Việt, do Lm. Phạm Đức Hạnh, SJ hướng dẫn, dành cho nam nữ từ 20 tuổi trở lên và có lòng ao ước.
March 14-16, 2025—Women
“If You Knew What God Is Offering” | Paula Sapienza
Jesus tells the Samaritan woman at the well that if she “knew what God is offering” and asked, she would receive “living water.” What is this living water and how is Jesus inviting us to receive it concretely in our lives? How is he moving us to share it with others, especially those in our families and communities?
March 28-30, 2025—All CANCELED
Are We the Church Jesus Intended? | Peg Maloney, RSM
Jesus has given us the two greatest commandments: love God and love one another. My prayer and actions must contribute to the ongoing development of our Church; how does God call me to participate?
April 11-13, 2025—Men
Spiritual Exercises | Hanh Pham, SJ
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius are a profound contribution to modern spirituality. We will use key sections of the Exercises to shape periods of prayer and reflection. They give us a sense of the power of the Exercises that we can take with us throughout our lives, no matter our stage of the journey.
May 2-4, 2025—All
Black Catholic Retreat
The Office of Black Catholic Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver sponsors this retreat. Please see the Sacred Heart Retreat House web page for updated information on the retreat leader and description. ALL are welcome!
May 23-25, 2025—All
Serenity Retreat | Fr. Len Kraus, SJ
This retreat is based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is open to anyone interested in recovery from alcoholism and other addictions through the spirituality of the 12 Steps. The retreat will consist of conferences, times for prayer, quiet reflection and sharing. Fr. Kraus is a Jesuit priest. He is currently a retreat director at White House Jesuit Retreat House in St. Louis, Missouri.