Holy Week Mass Schedule


Holy Week Mass Schedule +

Holy Week Masses will take place at 11:30 A.M. from Palm Sunday (April 13)
through Wednesday of Holy Week (April 16).
There will be no liturgies on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil).
Masses will resume Easter Sunday (April 20) at 11:30 A.M.

Welcome to Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House


For over sixty years, people of every faith and walk of life have come to Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House to find quiet, peace and renewed energy for daily living. The Retreat House is a place from which to see clearly.  You can look west to the mountains rising over the foothills and east to ranch valleys and gentle mesas.  Even more, you can look within to see the direction your life has taken and the choices you face. 

We, the Retreat House staff, help you make that inner journey.  We are well-trained and warm-hearted listeners, and we delight that our friends speak of us as encouraging, accepting, flexible and compassionate, down to earth and humorous. In all this, we bring both our own experience and the Jesuit tradition of spiritual wisdom.


Our Retreats

We offer a variety of retreats for all people of faith. The retreats are given in the Ignatian tradition by Jesuits, women religious and lay spiritual directors, and are open to anyone regardless of church or faith affiliation.


About Sacred heart

For over sixty years, people of every faith and walk of life have come to Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House.


If you believe that you, or someone you know, has been a victim of abuse involving a Jesuit,you are encouraged to contact law enforcement and the Coodinator of Pastoral Support andOutreach for the Jesuits, Carol Zarinelli Brescia, MSW, LCSWat 314.915.7168 or ucsoutreach@jesuits.org.